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I'll help you feel heard and understood, wherever you are in your relationship. I'll help the other absorb the things you share, with care for any blocks they find in doing so, checking where things had previously been misunderstood.

I've explored various types of relationship - long-term, shorter ones, consensually involving multiple people, same and opposite gender pairings. Read more about me and my 20 years as a counsellor, on my website.

I enjoy supporting you whether you're a monogamous couple, or living in a conscious open relationship, with whatever hurts (arguments, distance, affairs, and so on) have happened between you.

Being sexually intimate can bring up a lot of vulnerability. If it's helpful, and when you're ready, I can support you both in talking about how your sex life feels.

I look forward to meeting you. We can speak before you book, if that's helpful - this is free. You can ask questions, see how it feels to talk with me. This is usually a phone or Zoom call.
Face to Face, Online
Couples, Individuals, LGBTQ+ Friendly
Additional Training