BEFT Centre 2023 Annual Conference

Knowing You, Growing You

As an EFT Therapist

Whether you are new to EFT or already certified this will be an exciting day that brings together members of the British EFT Centre and those from further afield.

Open to all members of the BEFT Centre & ICEEFT members not resident in Britain.

We keep costs as low as possible to support the development of the EFT community.

All profits support the BEFT Centre’s ongoing costs and enable us to keep associate membership free of charge and open to all interested Britain based therapists.

Our keynote address by Annie Power will be:

The things that helped me grow? Yes, they’re all relationships

Event details

Cost: £85
Join BEFT to register

Timing: 9.30 a.m. – 4.30 p.m. Saturday 14 October 2023

Venue: Resource for London, click here for more information.

Some of the workshops at the conference will be:

Mis-stepping Diversity:

Sharing and working with our experiences in the therapy room

In this workshop we invite participants to lean in with us, feeling the discomfort of our mis-steps and unconscious bias, and preparing ourselves to cope with inevitable unintended micro- aggressions.

Let’s get curious about our action tendencies – do we pursue because it’s essential to discuss or withdraw because it’s too dangerous?

Falling in love with EFT supervision - deepening our embrace of the EFT model.

Join us to become more familiar with the benefits of EFT supervision.

We will be covering:
What is different about EFT supervision from clinical supervision; developing a safe attuned supervisory relationship to help us take risks with ourselves and our work; sharing our missteps for learning and growing in practice of the model as therapists and supervisors.

Being a fear-free EFT therapist?

How caregiving can elicit our own attachment fears and how we can care for ourselves

Sarah McConnell, EFT supervisor and trainer-in-training, Ruth Cohen-Rose, and Jasmina Frzina.

When we take on clients and start therapy, we also elicit the dynamics of attachment between ourselves and our clients.  Our fear systems become active at times of stress and our work, especially with couples, can be stressful!  

In this workshop we will explore Bowlby’s ideas on the fear, caregiving and careseeking systems, how this dynamic affects us as caregivers and how we can find ways to cope when our fear systems are activated in session. 

Receiving love in places you have never got it re-integrates parts of the self and the couple. A pursuer softening experience through the music of Janis Joplin.

Giulia Altera – ICEEFT Trainer, Supervisor and EFT Therapist – Italy

It certainly sounds strange to introduce a workshop where we are trying to give a feeling of integration after fragmentation with a story that begins and ends between the 60s and 70s. Especially a story that doesn’t end very well. It sounds strange.
How odd it is to feel one’s need to be loved, to be seen, to be cared by the loved one, and this need is not (or does not seem to be) met.

Even more in this historically difficult time, this distance sounds bad, incongruent, incomprehensible, scary, lonely, crazing making with the very meaning of the word Love. This contributes to a fragmentation of the self that has already occurred or occurs right here right now.

The Fragmentation is amplified by the distance in the pandemic, or in the war, or rather, amplified by what makes us feel in danger, alone, this time through global events.

How to bring different music, how to “reattune” all of this? Especially when the therapist is also immersed in this general disconnect.

What I would like to do is to help you listen, literally, to the ultimate change event on an EFT therapy, the one that brings the pieces together in an embrace, so that this music can guide you in your sessions, to help you integrate the self of the other by playing your instrument, yourself, in the most attuned way possible with the pain and hopes, which may be of others and why not ours too.

Let’s get certified

This one-hour session will be an opportunity to find out more about getting certified as an EFT therapist. Hear from those who are on the journey to certification and those who are newly certified. Get a chance to explore all this with colleagues.

Catching the Passing Comment with a Withdrawer-Withdrawer Couple

Working with a W-W couple has often been said to be the hardest of our work as there is little alive in the room and we have to evoke it. Using a 30-minute video example, exercises, and discussion we will explore finding places to go into and then moving from partner to partner in repeated and deepening Tangos in Stage One.
Sandra Taylor, EFT Trainer and Joint Head of BEFT Centre